Okay, I am waiting for my camera to charge but I really wanted to blog so you, my dear readers, didn't think I became dust and escaped into the atmosphere. I just want to comment on all the projects I've suddenly found myself involved in, on the mini side of things, at least.
First, there's my dear Glencroft. I just put the window box, brackets and chimney on it over the weekend. It still needs windows, doors, and the front yard/fence added. I am considering doing that over this long holiday weekend. But I can't decide if I should fix up the inside before I put the windows in. I am not happy with most of the paint job on the walls, and would like to fix that. I am not super crazy about wallpaper, in general, but I may need it to hide the slots in a few of the walls. I think a trip to Michael's or AC Moore is in order. (Well, I always think that.)
On top of all that is the problem with the gaps in a few places. I think adding extra trim could be very useful, so that's what I will probably do. I think it'll help. I also want to varnish the floors, they're looking a little dull and I put far too much work into the flooring for it to look boring.
And how the heck am I going to finish that chimney? So many decisions to make! Imagine if I had to build a 1:1 scale house...gah. LOL I am picky enough with 1:12 houses as it is.
As for the shop, I am always looking for more goodies for "sale." I am adding lots of stuff to the shelves. When my sister and nieces came to visit last week, my older niece made some cool stuff out of clay which I am proudly displaying on the shelves, including candles, witch hats, and even a broom. She also made a cute clay hanging flower pot complete with a plant. She's getting pretty good at this hobby! I think someone may have returned home with a bit of a mini-bug! :)
And lastly, I have my HBS Creatin' Contest entry. I am trying to keep it a secret until the deadline (not 'til Dec. 15, thankfully!) but it's hard. I've developed some pretty nice ideas since even the last time I wrote here. I can't wait to get started on it, but I really want to finish the Glencroft first. Gah. We'll see. I think my best bet is to work on the project I feel like working on at the moment. That's the only way it'll get done well.
Oh, by the way, I want to applaud Greenleaf for sending along another Sheet 13 so quickly after I requested it. As I mentioned before, the first one was not cut through completely and was impossible to work with. They also sent me the new glossy of their dollhouses (one of which is brand new and I would really like to add it to my collection...)

You know, the collection that is inevitably going to include the Westville, the Harrison, RGT'S Lincoln Home, and one very possibly for-real addition soon. ;) I might add that I've made a bid on eBay for a little treat - let's see if I get it. I'll know in a little over 4 days.
We'll definitely need a bigger house.
I think that's it for now. When my camera battery charges, I'll take pics of my accomplishments on the Greenleaf, and possibly a few more mini-related things. :)